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Personal loss of property, whether caused by damage or theft, may be upsetting, but if you learn what to anticipate from the property claims process, you’ll be better prepared to deal with the issue. These five tips will assist you in navigating the claim process. 


1. Report to the Police and Assess the Damage 

If your Florida home has been broken into, you should first report it to the police. If you file a theft claim, you must present a police report to your insurance provider to verify the specifics of the incident. 

Otherwise, before calling your insurer after a natural calamity such as a tornado or wildfire, examine the damage. Keep anything that has been wrecked or damaged instead of tossing it away so you can document it for the insurance adjuster to analyze everything. 


2. Notify Your Insurer 

Inform your insurance provider about the incident. Your insurance company’s claim representative will most likely tell you if your plan covers the damage and how much time you have to make a claim. You could also be given a rough approximation of the damage amount, as well as if or not it surpasses your deductible. 


3. Complete The Claims Forms 

You should then complete the claim forms that your insurer will mail to you or make available through their online portal. One such documentation is the proof-of-loss form, on which you enter your personal details, the source of the loss, the portion of your home or property on which you are claiming damages, and the projected loss amount. You may also send photographic or video documentation of the damage at this stage. 

According to legislation, you must receive the claim paperwork within a particular time limit after notifying your insurer of the incident. Once you’ve completed the relevant documentation, make sure to return it to your insurance company as soon as possible to minimize delays. 


4. Prepare for The Insurance Inspector 

Your claim could also necessitate a visit from an insurance adjuster, especially if it involves structural damage to your property. Before compensation can be processed, the adjuster must analyze the damage and verify numerous facts. The examination may involve but is not limited to the following items: 

  • Providing any evidence to the adjuster, such as receipts, pictures, or a house inventory.
  • Confirming that your coverage covers the damage.
  • In-depth examination of your property’s structure.
  • If you’ve made a liability claim, the insurance adjuster may request contact details of physicians, attorneys, or anyone familiar with your claim.
  • An extensive discussion with you, the insured.


5. Examine Your Compensation 

You’ll get a settlement offer when the insurance inspector completes their study. Examine the settlement offer carefully since accepting it will result in the closure of your claim. If the offer does not cover your damages, you can request your insurance company to re-evaluate your claim. 

If you are still dissatisfied with the result, you have the option of hiring a lawyer. A lawyer will analyze your claim and can assist you in negotiating a reasonable settlement with your insurer. 

Property damage claims might vary based on the circumstances. Using common sense, asking plenty of questions, and remaining proactive in the claim process can help you get the best outcome possible.

Contact Cameron Law Group for assistance throughout the homeowners’ insurance claim process. We understand how insurance companies work and how to secure fair reimbursement for your claim. 

Why FL Residents Should Know Their Rights During Covid-19

Last year, the state of Florida passed four new laws that override federal COVID-19 mandates. Read on to see who was the most impacted.

The Demand for Legal Assistance During a Pandemic

In November 2021, Governor Ron DeSantis signed several laws to ban forced vaccinations and public masking for public and private employees, as well as students. His intentions are to give FL residents a choice in protecting themselves during the pandemic. While federal mandates protect those who may be exempt for medical or religious reasons, the local ban also protects the following:

  • People believed to have natural immunity (previous infection)
  • Women planning to get pregnant or who are already pregnant
  • Individuals employed by private companies that use personal protective equipment provided by their employer

How Do These Laws Affect People Like Me?

The world is still greatly affected by the pandemic, and residents of Coral Springs are no exception. This means that you’re still strongly encouraged to use caution when in public places or gatherings. It also lets you know that you shouldn’t be harassed or terminated, based on a single person’s beliefs.

Other states, like California and New York, have strict protocols in place and this is mostly because these places have a much larger population. Smaller locations often function with a little more leeway. So far, local laws haven’t caused an uptick in the number of hospitalizations or fatalities. However, there are some who’d rather take the law into their own hands, even though the state has imposed hefty fines for going against these mandates.

What Can Lawyers Do?

If you or someone you know has been suspended or expelled from work or school for refusing to get vaccinated, a lawyer can help you get justice. We know that time away from work or school creates financial hardships and sometimes it’s not easy to just “cut back” on expenses. At some companies, those in charge are so greatly feared that employees may be intimidated.

As a Florida resident, you are entitled to compensation for being treated unjustly. At the Cameron Law Group, we believe in getting you the compensation you rightfully deserve. The laws were made to protect citizens like you and give you options for protection during COVID-19. You shouldn’t have to suffer because of someone else’s refusal to follow the law.

How Does the Process Work?

If you feel harassed to get tested, receive a vaccine, or are treated unfairly due to your personal beliefs, speaking with a lawyer is the best solution. The reason is many people either speculate, use unreliable sources or say anything to create an argument. Even if things don’t escalate physically, it’s best to contact lawyers who are trained to fight for you legally instead.

Call us anytime for a consultation. Coral Springs and other FL residents can talk to lawyers who fight for you until the very end. We want to make sure you feel safe at work or school and that your rights are protected.