
Tips for First Time Boat Owners from a Boating Accident Attorney in Tamarac 

South Florida is home to some of the most beautiful waters in the world. It’s crystal clear waves allure people from across the planet to experience a day in the life, including swimming in the open sea and cruising by boat under the tropical sunsets. While this paradise is a lovely place to be, residents of South Florida are not required to have a license to drive a boat. Therefore, boat accidents can be frequent and dangerous. If you’re a resident of Florida and you’ve recently bought a boat, here are some words of wisdom before getting out on the open water. 

Stock Up on Gas  

Running out of gas on the highway is frustrating, but it’s not a dire problem. With one call, AAA will be out with a gas can to have you back on the road. In a boat, AAA doesn’t service the ocean. Whether you’re on the Atlantic or in the Gulf, tropical storms can hit in a moments notice. Not having gas in the middle of one of these storms could lead to fatal injuries and accidents. Try not to miscalculate distances or strand very far from a gas port. If you do, be prepared for the miles you’ll travel. 

Running Aground  

While it doesn’t happen very often, running aground isn’t unheard of. When you’re talking on your phone or to another passenger, you may forget to check your depth. When going at fast speeds, the sudden shallow water can send you and your guests flying. The impact isn’t pretty, and it’s not safe. Always remember to check your depths and stay conscious of where you’re at. Sandbars are scattered and may be unexpected.  

Breaking Down  

While most boats are built tough, it doesn’t mean that there won’t be a malfunction. It’s crucial that as a new boat owner, you understand the owner’s manual to a tee, and have a few lessons before hitting the waves. Knowing how to operate your boat could be the difference between an enjoyable day out or a devastating accident.  

At Cameron Law Group, we handle a plethora of personal injury cases. Needing a boat accident attorney in Tamarac isn’t uncommon, but we’d prefer it if you stayed safe on your boating adventures. Remember to stay smart and be wary of others. Though you may have done your homework on the rules and needs of your vessel, it doesn’t mean others have. There are countless injuries in America each day. If you’re part of that statistic, call Cameron Law Group today at 954-472-5645 and see how you can receive assistance from a dedicated and driven firm.